David Stevens and Research

I am a Professor in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematics UEA. My main research interest is large scale ocean modelling. The motivation is to understand the role of the ocean in the climate system. All of my publications are available online.

Most of my research has been involved with cold regions, the Norwegian-Greenland Sea and the Southern Ocean. I was deeply involved in the Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) project and continue to be involved with similar issues in the Ocean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling (OCCAM) project. I have also worked on palaeocean modelling of the North Atlantic.

In March 1995 I took part in my first major cruise, six weeks in the South Atlantic on the WOCE cruise A23. In July 1996 I took part in the Greenland Sea tracer release experiment. In March 1999 I co-led (with Karen Heywood) the five week ALBATROSS cruise around the Scotia Sea. In April 2003 I co-led a project to put current meter moorings in Shag Rocks Passage and undertake a hydrographic survey of the North Scotia Ridge. I successfully recovered the moorings in November 2004. In November and December 2008 I was at sea on a project to examine the mixing near Kerguelen.

I became interested in coupled ocean-atmosphere processes and modelling through involvement with the NERC COAPEC program. This has led to my participation in coupled modelling projects, including HiGEM. I also have an interest in modelling the oceans and climates of extra-solar planets.

The ocean modelling work has led me into computing, and in particular High Performance Computing.

I am currently supervising four Ph.D. students: Dong, Hughie, Maria, Miriam. Twenty nine former students: Jude Murphy, Matthew Beare, Martin Price, Cris Batstone, Glen Richardson, Patricia O'Mahony, Loic Jullion, Hazel Grant, Tim Graham, James Screen, Andrew Dawson, Jenny Graham, Ben Webber, Matt Thomas, Gillian Damerell, Cristos Mitsis, Simon Peatman, Celine Heuze, Chris O'Donnell, Karin van der Wiel, Amee O'Callaghan, Jodie Cullum, Helen Mallett, Natasha Senior, Yanxin Wang, Yue Wu, Yixi Zheng, Kyriaki Lekakou, Daniel Skinner, successfully gained their Ph.D. I am also working with postdoctoral fellows Amee Gollop and Martin Wadley.

I am on the Editorial Board of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics and was on the board European Geosciences Union journal Ocean Science from its foundation until 2021.

I am a member (fellow) of the Royal Meteorological Society.

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